Shipping, Delivery & Returns Policy

Purchases are shipped from our warehouse located in Ambala, Harayana by reputed courier agencies. Ordered products can be delivered to your destination within 3-7 working days. However, the delivery process may take 10-12 days to get complete in the locations that come in a difficult coverage zone.

Cancellations, Returns and Exchange

At Therawin online store, we continuously endeavor to provide you the best and easiest shopping experience. However, Therawin online store is not responsible for any damaged or opened product after delivery. We will not exchange or return any used or opened product once delivered.

 Therawin online store is not responsible for any damage caused after product delivery. In the situation of any problem or quality issue associated with the delivered product, you can contact our customer care service team at +91-9050863666 or email us at ca**@th******.in within 24 hours of the product delivery. 

We can exchange or replace or return any product if the received item is unused, intact, saleable and in undamaged condition with original packaging and receipt. 

You can cancel an order within one hour after placing it. You just need to send a cancellation request via email at ca**@th******.in, mentioning the order id along with a reason for cancellation and leave the rest on us.

  • Return and exchange requests will be subject to checking and inspection by Therawin online store.
  • The product should be in its original packaging & with the product invoice.
  • Postage & shipping will not be refunded. 
  • Once your request accompanied by return or exchange is accepted, the further process will be completed within 7-21 working days. 

Refunds related to cancellations, returns, or exchanges are credited back to the same instrument which was debited. The process generally takes 7-21 working days depending on the bank and the gateway. Therawin does not have an influence on the time lines except processing the refund. The refund will be credited back between 7-21 working days after the processing or until your next billing cycle in case it’s a credit card. You will receive an email intimation from us about the processing of the refund. You will need to then contact your bank or credit card issuer for refund status.

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